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4th of July...Celebrate Our Country Tomorrow is the 4th of July. I saw recently where most Americans do not know much about our holidays or founding fathers but certainly know the judges on American Idol. So, I thought I would pause and supply us with a refresher on this holiday. Read More

This Is The Time For Motivation! Employees are experiencing all types of emotions lately….frustration, fear, anger, uncertainty, and excitement. Companies in general are tightening up the purse strings, exploring ways to cut expenses as revenues are under stress, and trying to stay ... Read More

Imagine It Is Your Last Year... If this were your last year on earth, what would you do? Let's explore this deep question. Read More

Change...And Your Image Join me as we explore how to take advantage of change. Change can be empowering, challenging and an invisilbe gift. Read More

The Experience of a Rookie Power of Attorney Series, the Last Blog In this last blog in the series, we will discuss the topic of the final chapter of life, passing. What is there left to do? Join me as we explore. Read More

The Experience of a Rookie Power of Attorney Series, Topic Six In this blog in the series we will explore where you shall reside. There may come a time when this decision needs to be made, yes, more details. Read More

The Experience of a Rookie Power of Attorney Series, Topic Five This blog in the series will focus on what you want to happen to your "stuff". I know, you hate to even think of this topics, but you must! Read on as this will help you to make a list. Read More

The Experience of a Rookie Power of Attorney Series, Topic Four This blog in the series is focused on family and friends. Join me as we consider who is family and what you need to do to get prepared! Read More

The Experience of a Rookie Power of Attorney Series, Topic Three Question? Am I prepared if something happens to me that I cannot take care of myself, or worst yet, I pass? Prepared with all the paperwork to provide the person that will step me and take care of me and/or things, what they need. The details are in ... Read More

The Experience of a Rookie Power of Attorney Series Do you not enjoy being in the driver's seat? Most of us do; there is something special about driving. Find out how to not be a back side driver and stay upfront! Join me as we explore some legal documents needed to ensure your wishes are carried out ... Read More

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