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The Half Marathon Did I finish the half marathon? Join me as I talk about the experience! Read More

The Sunday Morning Run I Have Never Forgotten Twenty years ago this month, I ran my first half marathon and is the race I have never forgotten. Hear the story and when I am running another half this many years later... Read More

Portrait of a Leader INC. magazine conducted a survey in 2013 on the topic of leadership. Interestingly enough, the answers hold true today. Join me as we review the answers to the questions posed then and how they still resonate today. Read More

Your Mental Picture This month, let's do some exploring! A lack of self-confidence is one of the four common failure-producing factors, and you control it. Want to learn more, read on! Read More

25th Anniversary of TNB Consulting Group, Inc. It is hard to believe that today, June 1st, I am celebrating the 25th anniversary of TNB Consulting Group, Inc. What a wonderfully blessed journey I have experienced, please check out the blog for more... Read More

Change, Spring, and Your Image Change is constant and change will have an impact on your image. How we react to change is most important and will determine the outcome. Join me and gain six valuable tips to help you manage and thrive with change. Read More

Be a More Effective Communicator with these Seven Tips Communication is something we do every day most all the day. When you effectively communicate, you present yourself with confidence, knowledge, and credibility. Read and gain these seven tips to enhance your communications! Read More

Happy New Year 2021 Happy New Year and Welcome to 2021!!!! This month's blog looks back to a dozen years ago when my Mother passed on this date at 11:35am. Please read for an inspirational and motivational writing. Read More

Serve as a Role Model and Impact Future Generations! Do you think you have impact on young people? Read on because you certainly do... Read More

Time to Motivate! This is the time for motivation! Time to motivate your employees and clients. How you say? Read on... Read More

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