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It is Friday!



It is Friday, August 7, 2020. It is hard to believe we are already into August. Where has this year gone? 2020 has certainly turned out to be a very strange year as most of us are working from home all the time or some of the time.

How we attend meetings has certainly changed. Most of us now are using Zoom or some type of video conferencing method with little in person meetings. No matter the method, I am sure you are still attending and/or facilitating meetings. How many were effective and how many were not effective? That latter number may be more easily definable.

Meetings are a way of life for most of us. No matter the meeting setting nor our role, we must remember that our image and brand are showing.

Recently I had the opportunity to speak at a conference held on Zoom and spoke about this very subject. The first thing the group discussed was ineffective meetings and how nothing happens during them. I could not write on the whiteboard fast enough as they were firing words and phrases very rapidly. Then we discussed effective meetings and the group was much slower in responding. They knew what should happen but have not seen it enough to recognize it.

The description or agenda of a meeting sets the stage for what will happen, how it will happen etc. Too many meetings forget about this important aspect. Be known for effective minutes and sending them out timely. Create an agenda using the word GOALS. GOALS stand for:

 Goals of the meeting are specific such as we are going to brainstorm on strategies to increase sales by 10%.
 Outcomes….address what will happen, how people will interact. An example might be that we will use structured activities to collect ideas and then everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments on the ideas.
 Activities serve as the blueprint for what will occur, who is responsible for each and the time allotted. An example would be to use structured exercises to collect, analyze, and create action steps for ideas.
 Logistics provide people information they need to succeed including the location where they will meet, what to bring, and how to prepare. Add a little humor if desired and let them know they need to bring a lollipop or a funny hat.
 Strategies include meeting with key participants to access support or understand opposition; uncover obstacles, and make sure that each member is ready to contribute to the meeting.

What is an approach you use that helps to create effective meetings? What have been some of the worst and best meetings that you witnessed? How do you facilitate meetings?

Remember attending, participating, or facilitating meetings, your image and brand are showing. Ensure the “showing” is what you desire to help build and continually enhance your brand.

Enjoy the weekend!



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